Vegomässan 2012

Vegomässan 2/6
Mässan har nyss öppnat och det är inte så knökfullt med folk ännu.
Robin fick gå upp på scen när magikern Ricko uppträde.
Det var helt galet hur flummigt det var! Fattar inte hur han bar sig åt med allt.
Han lyckades få alla bilder i rätt ordning, synkat med Robin liksom utan att veta vilken bild Robin tänkte lägga i högen näst.
Vi fikade strax innan vi drog oss hem. MUMS! Allt såg sååå himla gott ut.
Jag bestämde mig för en tårtbit, nougattårta var det typ. Väldigt väldigt god!!
Min skattgömma :D
Kom hem med massor av god mat!
Nu blir det till att starta om vegankosten, på riktigt! Nu ska jag även börja träna och äta riktigt hälsosamt.
Nystart! Känns kanon :)
Köpte en apsnygg tisha!
Animal Liberation står det, och jag älskar både budskapet och den galet rosa färgen!!
Igår morse bar det av till Stockholm för årets Vegomässa.
Robin, Alexina, Martin, Axel och jag var det som åkte. Ett riktigt guldteam! :)
Vi kom dit strax innan öppning och hann strosa runt ett bra tag innan det droppa in mer folk.
Alexina och jag frossade i allt som fanns att äta, godis, nötter, korvar, ostar, mm mm!!
Såå himla gott!
Jag började med att köpa en stark korv och sen ballade det liksom bara ur. Köpte huuur mycket som helst!
Brände 1000 spänn där. Värt varenda öre!
Bara en sak som vegansk falukorv. Himmel och pannkaka vad god den är! Jag som faktiskt saknat falukorv.
Igår kväll gjorde jag eget potatismos och stekte ett par skivor falukorv. Fy sjutton vad gott det var!
I och med att vi bilade dit kom vi hem ganska tidigt. Slippa åka tunnelbana och buss och allt sånt.
Så vid 16 var vi hemma och då tog jag Milton en stund.
Sen fick jag nån slags energikick och började greja så till den milda grad.
Malde nyss pumpamjöl, solrosmjöl, bakade dinkelbröd, städade ur skafferiet, fixade tvätten, dammsög, diskade, gjorde eget mandelsmör, en smoothie, potatismos. Ojojoj vad det var härligt att få greja i köket!
Jag älskar vårt kök och att laga mat och pyssla där :)
Så när klockan närmade sig midnatt var jag så trött att jag knappt kunde stå på benen.
Sov som en stock och vaknade som sagt strax innan 5.
Nu börjar ögonen stickas lite, så kanske ska ta en tupplur.
Men känner för att fortsätta gårdagens kick! Vill ta vara på min energi och sy ett par byxor.
Måste hinna få klart en del kläder till sommarens alla skogsrave :)
Ja nu ska jag fixa med lite saker.

More not tested on animal stuff

For the upcoming CityFestival I have emailed around 20 companies asking them to sponsor me with products for my lottery. These companies doesn't test on animals and most of them are organic as well. Good stuff anyhow!
And 9 companies said they're happy to participate, awesome huh!?
I thought for sure, like 1 company was gonna say yes.
But no, 9 of them did. These companies are owned by such adorable women. It's been a pleasure talking to them over the email, all of them are supernice and entusiastic. :)

Today I got a box from one if them. I get so excited when I get that paper in the mailbox that I have a box waiting for me at the postoffice. Yey! So I jumped on my bike and got it.

Babyproducts, creams, deodorant, and a little bag for me as well! :) I got a mascara and a face cream. I love that, when people find it in their hearts to give and do a nice gesture to a fellow human being. I would love to see more of that.

This is what's gonna happen. On June 25 through 27th, Västerås will have it's annual CityFestival downtown. This year my animal rights group is having a table there to hand out information about animal rights. I thought, to attract more people we need something fun. So why not have a lottery where people can win products that are not tested on animals? It's brilliant :) We'll get some money in for the animals, and we'll get the message out there; that there are tons of great products, and that animal testing is unneccessary.

another productive day!

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm back! =D
I've decided to give this blog another shot. It is fun to look back and read it, so it's gonna be my new diary.
Today has been a terrific day! I got up at 5 am, boiiinga up and out of bed, ready to face the day! The sun was shining and the birds singing and I felt happy!
For some reason I haven't been able to sleep in ever since I got back home to Sweden. I go to bed at like midnight or after, but I still wake up at 6, 7 am, or 8 am at the latest.
I think I'm still so so excited to be back that I just can't find peace to sleep. I just wanna be up and awake, do things around the house, snuggle my rats and do art and crafts. I love being back home, the weather is gorgeous and I just feel like every day is a blessing. It's a damn good feeling! Makes me feel alive and energized and once again ready to solve the problems in the world!

Borneo made me feel helpless, I felt like there is no way the orangutans are gonna survive. The damn palmoil has taken over way to much. Jungle that used to be plenty is now just scattered around the island of Borneo in tiny pieces. It's so sad.
And I felt so helpless about it while I was there, I almost gave a crap about looking at the food I bought when I came back to Australia. Usually I look at the ingredient list and if it says palmoil, or vegetable oil, I won't buy it. But after seeing the situation in Borneo, I just felt like giving up, like there is no use to care. Cause if no one else seems to care, why should I?
Stupid thoughts out, freaking awesome thoughts in!
I'm back on track, energized to the maximum!  =D
I've emailed different  bakery companies asking them what kind of oil they use. Usually when it says vegetable oil, it's palmoil, or a mix of oils with palmoil in it. And yes, of all the bread we have at home, only one (out of 4 different kinds) has no palmoil. That's not good. Not good enough for me anyways. So today I baked my own bread. This I'm gonna do every now and then so I can have homemade bread everyday. To bad our freezer is so tiny, otherwise I could have a bakeday and freeze loads of bread. But oh well, I'm just gonna plan ahead and bake whenever I need to. Yey! Homemade bread is the best. So so yummy!

I took my beloved bike and headed of to the grocery store this morning. Bought tons of fruit, beans and other stuff. Yum yum. I'm gonna make myself a smoothie in a little bit. Aha aha =D

Baking da bread!

All done!! And let me tell you, it's superyummy! Success! SkinnyBitch 1- Palmoil 0

So, for you my fellow beings. Please think of what you are buying when out there in the grocery aisle. Diss the palmoil, stand up for the orangutans! Be a voice fot the voiceless. You can make a difference.
See ya all later!

Tasmanian Devils

SkinnyBitch says, help save the devils!

I have to post some pics of my adventures in Tasmania, Melbourne, Adelaide, Ayers Rock and Sydney soon! I have so many great photos! But I don't feel like writing that much at the time, it's gonna be loong stories about those places. I'll do it some other day, maybe tomorrow if it's still raining . :)

I do wanna post some pics of the Tassie Devils and urge you to help them out. If you ever go to Australia, please make a donation to the devils. They are dying in the wild because of this face cancer disease they get. They were put on the endangered list just last year in may. There is no cure for the cancer, as soon as a devil gets it it dies within 8 months or so, starving to death. 

It can look something like this.... sad huh? :(

I love those little dudes and so I put 20 bucks into this cute devil bin at the airport when leaving Tassie, the money donations goes to research to find a cure for this cancer. There are several websites that you can donate to, just google "save tasmanian devil" and you'll find some of them.
I'll probably donate more money if I see a bin at the airport when going back home to Sweden. The devils are soo cute and I would hate it if they all died...

Here comes some cute pics of devils!! Enjoy!

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