I'm doing great, i'm in the desert and it's lovely. i have taken tons of pics, and as soon as i'm back in brisbane i'll post them and write a looong travelstory, cause i haven't been able to tell you anything about my exploring.
hope you're all doing great. talk to you soon! cheers!
a quick update
hope your doing good, im doing great! i've been out all day today looking around the city. i'll be posting pics soon!
take care xoxo <3
A Swede with an american accent
i forgot to tell you. three people in the last couple days have said, oh your from america, right?
i'm like noo, from sweden...
and they go: really? i thought you had an american accent.
hm. i wonder. i don't think i sound that american. kinda funny. i never thought people would say that. one guy today was like: you sound like a yankee!
haha. and here i just started liking my swedish accent. =)
tomorrow i'm off to kangaroo island. gonna look at gorgeous nature and koalas in their natural habitat. souds good to me!!
i have to tell you about the amazing tour i did the day before yesterday... i think it was. the days go together here, i don't know what day it is anymore.
anyways, i went on a tour to phillip island to watch the penguin parade.
at first we went to all these different places. to a wine tasting, an animal sanctuary (the pic of me feeding the roo was from there) andmany other places. the penguins were not about to come until 8 pm so we had time to cruise around all day. the leader of the tour was funny. i had a great time.
on the way to the beach were the penguins were about to make an entrance, we counted wallabies. they are EVERYWHERE!
the leader said that the record of counting them was 6. we got over a 100! there were wallbies everywhere. they're soooo cute! especially when they jump. boing boing!
anyhow. at 8 pm, we walked down to the seatings on the beach with cookies and tea. it was soo cozy. all dark and just lit up with little lamps along the boardwalk.
and then we stood there, looking out into the dark water, awaiting the penguins.
they came prettymuch exactly 8pm. small groups, big groups. first you could only see their backs, and then they just emergered from the water. and waddled up on the beach. it was sooo freakin cute! everyone who goes to australia should do this tour.
there were no photography allowed, so i took this pic of google. soo cute!
they just went up the beach and then split to look for their burrows. i'm gonna put pics up later from that day.
cheers for now! <3
i've been walking around all day today, can really feel that in my feet... aoou. gonna go to bed soon actually, it's just 8 pm but i'm going up early tomorrow for a kangaroo island tour.
back in melbourne i was staying at this really crappy hostel with two guys in the room. the room smelled bad, and was situated right next to the railway, so the train went by there every hour, even at night. trains are loud. first night i didn't sleep like at all. and the firealarm went off to. i woke up all confused and was like, shit! there is a fire! what should i do?? everyone else was sleeping. no one even woke up.
so i fell back to sleep too. hm.
at this hostel i'm sharing a 6 bed bedroom with 4 guys. yey, lucky me. haha =P they're pretty fun. from ireland and england and france i think. and today i could actually hear what people were saying, i didn't get that annoying lid thing in my ears. yey!
let me introduce you to....
this morning i decided not to be so cranky, i feel like i've been cranky everytime i've sat down to write something here.
but today, i felt like enjoying the day, the sunshine and be happy. and i've had a great day!
i ran some errands in the morning, and then i decided to take the free tram around the city. so i got on and we went a couple stops before we had to get off, the tram was bad and had to b changed to another one. i decided to take a walk while waiting for the new tram.

melbourne is a very artistic city! the houses have beautiful shapes and colours

a cow in a tree
art in victoria harbour

a house and more art, iron art this time

a giant black bunny!!


later today i took another tram to St Kilda. supercute town!

random stuff on roof


melbourne by night

all of a sudden these block things started baaaouufffing! and there was fire! huge fires also. really cool!
nu skriver jag pa svenska, min internet tid haller pa att ga ut.
micka, jag sag precis att diu forsokt ringa flyget. supertack! jag mailade dem precis. javla seriosa bolag som inte ens kan svara i telefonen. varfor har dom inte lart sig det? konstigt.
men iaf, jattebra att du forsokte. forsok garna igen. jag kan inte ringa harifran om jag ska behova sitta i ko, kommer ruinera mig... skit.
forsok som sgat garna igen, annars far jag forsoka ringa jag med. messa mig pa mobilen ikvall om du kommer fram eller inte. dom har val oppet fran typ 10 pa morgonen hos er. sa ring da och messa mig vad som hander, sa far jag kolla da om dom sagt nat pa mailen. jag vill ju hem i maj!
puss puss, ha de bast. nu ska jag ata indisk mat. mumma!! halsa alla. alskar er. <3
animal love

kangaroo yesterday. i love feeding roos. they're so cute, and have such soft lips. adorable <3
fisrt pic in a while! yey! it takes about a million years to upload one single pic on these computers, so i can't really upload everytime i'm online. it's just gonna cost me too much money. but i'll put a couple up now =)
i realized i've seemed pretty depressed in my postings here. i'm not. i feel good now. i still miss my rats, but i've decided to rebook the flight back home so i'll be back a month earlier. that feels so good! i'm gonna have tons of time to travel both australia and borneo, and be back to snuggle my rats and enjoy spring at home.

tassie devil chillaxing. they're supercute! but sadly they're endangered. they have this cancer disease that has already killed 50% of the population. no one knows how to cure it, so all devils that get it dies. they get really bad tumours around their mouths and starve to death cause their faces just gets all messed up and the flesh dies, and they can't eat cause it's so painful.

vombat that is all cozed up at a anmial conservation centre in tassie

in tasmania when amelia and i were driving we saw this wild echidna! it was walking next to the busy road. i hope it didn't get killed. i've seen sooo many dead wallabies and possums. they say just in tasmania like hundreds of thousands get killed every year. sad
today i left tasmania, which was pretty sad. i liked that place. hobart is supermellow and cute, and the people are friendly.
but oh well, i'll probably get used to melbourne soon as well.
as for now, i'm not that amazed by it. i think it just started of wrong. i did find my hostel fastm, although i forgot to get a map or directions. i just got on the bus, and got off when it stoped. i thought i was gonna have to take another bus or walk for like miles, but no. it stoped right at the street i was looking for! so that was good.
worse is that i can't hear shit on both my ears. i always get that from the flight. so i seem like a stupido. i'm all like, whaaat? huh?
so i'm just gonna hang out by myself today. the beer is free here, first beer every night is free. so i was like, oh, i should get a beer. then again, if someone tries to talk to me, i'm gonna look stupid.
so no. i'm just gonna hang out alone.
i went out looking for places to eat around 5pm, but almost all places were closed. how weird is that? i did find a place after looking around, and it had good, pretty cheap food.
after eating, i was trying to call home to rebook the flight, but the phone just ate my money and did nothing else. so much for that. i got sad. so sad. i just had to sit down on a bench and cry a little. i felt so lonely and missed my rats even more than i've had so far. when i can't even call a freakin call, it makes me kinda panic.
ah well, tomorrow i'm going on a trip to see penguins. it's probably gonna be good.
i'm gonna take a walk down to the river now, it's beautiful down there.
pretty cold, but beautiful.
talk to you later. take care! <3
sunny day
i'm gonna go eat soon, they have the most yummy veggie rolls at this vietnameise place here. hm, yeah i don't know how to spell that =P but anyhow, soo good!
i just wanted to drop by and tell you that i fed a kangaroo yesterday. soo cute! they are so far my fav animals. better than the koalas and the devils. although baby devils are to die for cute... but the kangaroos take the price. they're just adorable. and so soft and beautiful.
gotta go now, talk to you later!
i have just done some more shoping, i know i wasn't gonna but it was soo cheap. so i got some crafts and stuff. i mean, it's so great to get all that stuff cause it's so expensive at like panduro in sweden. and it's perfect to have when you're babysitting like 4 year olds. always good to have some fun crafts at hand =)
i'm gonna go get ready for the tour now. i'll be out traveling until april 5th, and i don't know if i'm gonna be able to post any pics until then. i'll write once in a while though. =)
take care!
beautiful tasmania
today i went with tanyas friend amelia on a daytrip to port arthur and it's surroundings. beautiful!!
we went to this tasmanian devil conservation park, and oh my goshm the devils are so cute. su ugly but so cute. =D
and the kangaroos. don't even get me started on the kangaroos. SU FREAKIN CUTE!! om my goooood. like the cutest creatures on earth...
i pet one. it was soo soft and so freakin adorable. i just wanted to take it home.
gosh, i really gotta go pee now.... i have to go back to the hostel. but i'll try to upload pics next time i'm at a computer. =D take care!!
soon i'll be on my way!!
After that I'm off to Adelaide, which is a cute beach town. From there I'll go to Kangaroo Island. And after that I'll be going to the desert to look at the worlds largest rock, Ayers Rock.
Then I'm back on the 2 of april.
YEY! I'm so so so excited!!! I'm gonna see all kinds of cool animals and nature sceneries. AWESOME!
Wie wie!! I can't wait, it's gonna be so good. And I still have enough money to go on several weekend tours up north next month. So hell yeeeah, it's gonna be so much fun! So much fun.
I feel excited and happy now, unlike the first days here when I was totally freaking out and just wanted to go home .I feel like I can stay until june, and not panic about it. I will see my rats when I come back, and MAN are we gonna snuggle then!! I'm gonna be at home snuggling them all day long. I can't wait. My little angels, we're gonna spend so much time together, and I'll take you out in the garden and let you hang out with me in the summer weather.
Coming back to the Swedish summer, it's gonna be awesome. I was just reading about the Midsummer celebrations, how cool is that! Sweden does have really cool history and traditions. Anyone wanna celebrate Midsummer, like we used to when we were kids, collecting flowers and putting them under the pillow? Dancing and singing, and now that we're all 18, drinking? =D Would be so much fun to like really celebrate midsummer, don't you think?
Gotta go now and enjoy the day, the weather is awesome today. Cheers!
sunday, whitsundays....
was is this friday i think? yeah it was. we went to the movies in south bank and saw "confessions of a shopaholic". it was funny! I love Isla Fisher.getting to south bank was an experience itself. we got there on tanyas scooter (vespa). I've only been on a moped once before, like waaay back. I didn't remember how that was. but I thought it would be fun to take a scooter ride. it was! =)
a little bit scary yes, but i'm a chicken. so it probably would have been a piece of cake for all you others. anyhow, i loved it, once i got used to the feeling. it felt supercute to be on a scooter. i had leggings and a black "dress" looking shirt and yeah, it just felt soo cute, and like so italian in a way, and it soo had this summer feeling over it. it was nice! =D

to get back to my headline, i always write a headline with a message but i realized that i usually forget to get back to the message behind it. so.
whitsundays are like, what was it? like 74 islands on the australian coast. tanya got me all these brocheours today and one of them were about the whitsunday islands. i didn't think australia had much to see before i came here. silly me... australia has TONS of stuff to see. you'll need like a lifetime to see it all. no maybe not that long, but almost. TONS of stuff I tell ya!
I'm gonna see if I can volunteer only for 3 weeks, so I'll have more time for traveling. I wanna see all these beautiful islands. maybe not all 74 of them, but the main whitsunday island, moreton island and fraiser island. and maybe the lady elliot one from which you can go diving in the great barrier reef. on tuesday i'm leaving for a 2 week trip, gonna do a whole bunch of sightseeing of the south part of australia. like sydney, melbourne, kangaroo island and such. it's gonna be awesome!!

this is from yesterday when i took a walk in the hood. this neighbourhood is super cute! i love it. i could totally see myself living here. but then again, i've probably miss sweden. sweden is pretty damn good after all
so what's now... it's only 5.24 pm here. maybe i should take a walk again. i'm awfully tired though. been so freakin tired all day. i think i'm gonna nap. and eat something. and then plan the rest of the 3 months. i have a book on borneo i need to read and take the best parts out of. ttyl. take care! <3

so, here is me. i'm getting ready for hitting the town. i dyes my hair yesterday. now it's pitch black. i like it.

i'm happy today. i woke up and it was sunny, that was a good feeling. i also realized that if i wanna go home, i can do so. i emailed the airline and they said that i can rebook my flight if i wish to. so i'm cool. i miss my rats terribly, but i'm cool.

here is where i live. not it that house though. this is wat you see when you walk out from my house and look to your left

and this is what you see when you look to your right

it looked like as if it was gonna rain when i walked out. and it did. but only for a little while. it felt good. the sun was shining, it was hot and so the raindrops were just cooling

i took a walk before catching the bus. half an hours walk took me into these cuuute neighbourhoods. looks very american i think!

just look at how beautiful it is!!
ok, i gotta go now. i need to get ready for tomorrow and figure out how to book the flights for next week. i'll post more pics tomorrow now that i know how to get them into the computer =P
take care!! <3
confessions of a shopaholic

so... today i was gonna go to indooroopilly just to get my trips for next week booked and payed for. turns out they weren't even booked so there of course were nothing to pay for either.
instead, i went shoping. i had told myself NOT to shop in australia cause i have like nowhere to put the stuff on the way back home. but i figured, since i'm gonna throw most clothes away after traveling borneo, then i'll have a lot of space to put my new stuff in that bag. aha!
so i went into all these cheap stores, like kmart and such. stuff here is almost as cheap as the usa. i like that. =)

a towel with cows on it, and a citrus soap for the toilet. there was a soap there the day before yesterday but it mysteriously disappeared. i'm the kinda person that want's to wash my hands after taking a crap, so i got a new soap today. and of course, a towel cause there were no towel there before

some scarpbooking stuff and other crafts. pretty cheap here, and so cute =)

kids clothing!
i couldn't resist. it was a sale... the monkey body is just to cute for words. and the skate shirt and camo pants. how cool are they? my fosterkids are gonna be the coolest kids on the block! yeah!

and look at this mom! i got maria two froggy things. the stuffed frog is from the underwater world in mooloolaba. it makes froggy sounds. and the frog pen i got yesterday in brisbane, at this outdoor market. it too also makes froggy sounds. i do hope it was frogs she wanted and not turtles... i wasn't really sure about it when i took the pic today =P
indian food by night

today, walking back from the store i walked past this indian restaurant. how i've longed for indian food!! i had to stop by. so i got a table and ordered this yummy stuff. naan bread is the shit. it's so good.
and the rice was only 1 AUD which is like 6 svenska kronor or 1 USD. It was a loot of rice for that single dollar! Superyummy!
it was yesterday when i was on the bus back from mooloolaba, the bus turned into the university area (university of the sunshine coast... how nice doesn't that sound? if that doesn't make you wanna study again, what does?) and there they were!
a bunch of kangaroos! just hoping around, eating gras. like the wild hares does in sweden. people were walking by and they didn't even care, they just kept on eating their gras. soooo cool! i was amazed. i felt too silly though to grab my camera and lean over a bunch of people in the bus to get a good shot. so i'm gonna have to get a pic of a kangaroo some other time. i just had to tell you =D

i was really sad yesterday. woke up and it was raining and halfstorm outside. i just burst into tears. not so much for the rain but for feeling sooo lonely. homesickness and missing-my-rats-to-death-sickness just came crashing over me. i was gonna go to surfers paradise yesterday but instead i went back to sleep. slept until 1 pm. it felt soo good. dreams are the best when your sad, they take you away from reality for a while. i missed my rats all day long though. decided when i woke up that i had to do something. so i went downtown to the museum. the museum sucked. im sorry, i usually like museums but it was really crappy. in the dinosaur section they had ONE skelleton. ONE. i was like. ooook...? it was even crappier than the museum in italy where all the dead stuffed animals looked like they were gonna fall apart cause the stitches were popping open.
well, i gotta go now and try to find my way back to the train station. i feel pretty good today. i still miss my rats so i feel like my heart is bleeding... but hey, if i wanna go home i can always catch a plane and go back. no worries. gotta take it easy.
ok, gonna try to cheer up now. maybe the otters at the underwater world can cheer me up. they say in the brocheure you can swim with seals... maybe i should do that and snuggle them.
take care you all! i'll post pics tonight hopefully or tomorrow. <3
sticky sticky
i realized last night before going to bed that the giant spider i told you about lives outside my room. its web is attached to my window and so i can't close the window. whitch is fine, cause it's to hot anyways to sleep with the windows closed. i had nightmares about the spider though. it came climbing into my room, had a tread over my bed and slowly, really slowly, moving its long kegs in slowmotion came crawling over me. iooooewww.
i tried to go back to sleep but it was usless. i'm really jetlaged. so i got up, read a book, and started getting ready for the day at 6am.
at 9ish, tanya and I catched the bus to brisbane city. it's gorgeous. the city has a river floating through it and so we took the ferry and enjoyed the river view of the city for like 20 min. then we went to a mountain to check out the view of the city from up above. it's very cute. pretty big city, kinda looks like l.a but in a smaller version. i love it so far.
i'm gonna look into trips now. we took a bunch of broscheours at a tourist center and there are lots of things to do around here! i'm planing a trip for tomorrow and the following three days to uluru, ayers rock.
i'll post pics later when i'm not so tired. take care you all! <3<3
a look back
i've loved my jobs, i've loved seeing my friends again, i've loved biking again! yeah it's awesome being home again. i do wanna come back and travel america more, next year hopefully!

ellen (my brothers girlfriend) my brother and me in malmö

enjoying super yummy veggie meals at "veggie garden"

i've been the nanny for the cutest little girl ever!
x & pussel


pussel & x eating spagetti

kinda blurry pic, but oh so cute! x always yawns when you pet her, and puts her head in your palm and snuggles. so cute....pussel is more shy. but when she's loose in my room she's the fun one. like a little kitten

pussel is so chubby and cute, my gosh. perfect rat <3
when it's cold and crisp and the snow makes that cozy squeeky sound when you walk on it, that's perfect winter weather. love love love it. i've been lucky enough to have daniel teach me how to snowboard too, it's so much fun. i'll get myself a board for the upcoming snowseason next winter.
here are some pics of this winter

the slopes in åre

cute little trolley train or something. reminds me of san francisco

here i am, preparing myself to go down the slope. i was a chicken at first in the slope, but then i kinda got the hang of it and did pretty good if i can say it myself ;P

i thought i had every right to be a chicken though, this slope is craazy steep!

i enjoyed the view up there though

daniel is coming to my rescue probably, he had to take his board of a couple times and walk up to me and help me get down properly
new blog

bye bye beautiful snowy sweden

see you again when it's summer!