
after being on the go for 30 hours, i'm finally in australia. i'm sitting at tanyas computer, the girl i'm renting a room from. she's supernice. came and picked me up from the airport like 7am this morning, and took me grocery shopping, and she just showed me the buses that will take me to the koala sanctuary and the mall. that feels really good, having someone get you introduced to all that's new, cause it can be kinda confusing. i haven't done much today, after grocery shopping i pretty much just crashed. slept for like 7 hours, just totally wiped out. i'm still really tired, but i think i'm gonna unpack my bags and get settled before going to bed again. it's only 6.41 pm here. australia is gorgeous. brisbane is supercute, it looks a lot like america actually. but it has more of the florida feeling, the air is warm and humid. i haven't seen any kangaroos or koalas yet, but a biiiig spider and a cool looking bird. and sebastian, tanyas cat. he's very cozy. my plans for tomorrow are: take the bus to the koala sanctuary and see how that works, and check the place out. go to the mall and hang out at a internetcafe, so i can make travelplans, both for australia and borneo. i'm not gonna have that much time to travel australia, but i have some places i wanna go. maybe go somewhere on wednesday for like 3 days, and then next week go somewhere for that whole week. yeah, we'll see what happens. i'll keep you updated as often as i can here. take care, and i'll talk to you soon. xoxo


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