
yeah, before i forget it, i just have to write and tell you about my first spoting of a kangaroo. a WILD kangaroo! not just one in an animal park.
it was yesterday when i was on the bus back from mooloolaba, the bus turned into the university area (university of the sunshine coast... how nice doesn't that sound? if that doesn't make you wanna study again, what does?) and there they were!
a bunch of kangaroos! just hoping around, eating gras. like the wild hares does in sweden. people were walking by and they didn't even care, they just kept on eating their gras. soooo cool! i was amazed. i felt too silly though to grab my camera and lean over a bunch of people in the bus to get a good shot. so i'm gonna have to get a pic of a kangaroo some other time. i just had to tell you =D


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