friday folks!
Going away like I did with Australia and Borneo is good for me I think. I so appreciate being back home now, everyday is fun and exciting. And it doesn't matter if I just lay on the couch or if I'm out and about, I love being in Sweden again and I'm not planing on leaving until at least next year. =P
Yesterday was a hectic day for me. Out of the days 24 hours I spent 15 of them running around like a crazy train... First I was babysitting the doggy again. He is used to me now and wants to play and snuggle all the time. It's so cute when he jumps up on my lap and curls up like a little baby. But wow, having a puppy is hard work. This little fella chews on everything. I have to be like; Bruno, no.
All the time. But he's cute too :)

After that, I biked to the grocerystore and bought tons of stuff for my bread and hummus making.
And then when I came home I spent hours in the kitchen. Cleaning up, making my hummus, baking my bread, more clening up, helping with dinner. When we sat down to watch "Beowulf" I was already halfdead. My hummus tasted so so so good though. Oh man, it was delicious. We said we're gonna have hummus night every night. =D

the delicious hummus! pistachio, basil and garlic flavoured.
I did sit down and planed my summer during the day. It was good. I realized it's june next week. I had no idea. Haha! When Gunnel called me and said we're having a meeting on june 2nd I was like, "ok, that's cool. See you in the beginning of june." It's next week dude! What a heck happened to may? Where did it go?!
Yeah, I don't have all the horses in the stable at the moment.
So I felt like I had to make a calender, otherwise I'm gonna forget everything I need to do and dubblebook me on stuff. Summer is gonna be tons of fun, I have lots of activities planed. I'll try to blog more and post more pics of the stuff I do. It should be good reading ;P
Well, gotta go eat some breakfast now. Catch ya later!
babysitting a little doggy!

This is the little furball I've been babysitting today and yesterday. His name is Bruno and he's a darling. Green eyes and the softest fur ever. Just adorable! Yesterday he was a little shy and didn't really feel like he could relax with me. But I mean, it was the first time we met so no wonder. Today he was way more relaxed and we even took a nap together. So cozy! We snuggled up and slept for like half an hour.

Here he is again, sleeping on his bed. So cuuute!

And here is me! I'm pretty cute too, don't you think? Of course I am. =D Summer is almost here and I love being able to wear light clothing. I love the black and white thingie and I do it alot nowadays. I've been looking for one of those little tie shirts for like forever, and in Borneo I found one, hallelulja! And guess what, when I came back to Sweden and went to my favourite second hand store, I found another one there! So now I have two. Yeeep, it's good.

Well, those pics were from yesterday. This is from today. I've been really tired today and this is right after taking that nap with Bruno, so I look a little sleepy. My hair is a mess everyday so I'm not gonna blame that on the nap!
As you can see, I've added that little nose piercing to my face, and I also took the eyebrow piercing out. I need to get a smaller barbell, I thought the other one was too big.
I've had splendid day today! Not only did I babysit the cute little puppy again, I got to see little Emmie again! The girl I've been a nanny to for the last 6 months before I went to Australia and Borneo. She is not that little anymore though. Man, has she grown! But she's as cute as always <3
I knew she was gonna be a little shy when seeing me again after these 2,5 months, and she was. But only for a little bit.
We sat in their backyard, Emmie, her mom, her nanny, me and their two dogs. The sun was shining, we were talking and Emmie was looking over at me curiously. But when I looked at her she would look away. But then, it didn't take long until she started looking at me longer, and really look at me. Then she started smiling and kinda flirt with me like she does when she's a little shy but curious.
And then... it was soo cute.
She stands up (she was sitting next to her mom), starts walking towards me. We are all thinking she's probably gonna go past me cause she's too shy. But no. She walks towards me, starts walking faster, open up her arms and then she throws herself in my arms and gives me a big hug! So so so cuuuuute!! I was happy. Happy happy happy! My little girl. <3 And after that she sat on my lap, cuddled, looked at my necklace, my new tattoo, my shirt. She's an angel. So cute! She talks so much, and is so big now. Wow. It was good times. I can't wait to see her again =)
Yeah, life is good. I'm so lucky. Really I am. I babysit the cutest kids and dogs in the whole universe. I have the best family ever. Summer is around the corner, and Sweden is gorgeous. I have a good economy, I've traveled and seen such amazing places in this world. I feel alive. A couple hens and a pair of ferrets and my life would be complete ;) And perhaps a boyfriend. But only perhaps.... =P

newest tat!

I had it done in Borneo, on my last day in Kota Kinabalu. I love it. The colors are great and it looks perfect where it is placed. Getting it done was awesome, it felt so good. I almost started drooling as I layed there in the chair. It wasn't until my neck started aching (cause of the position, I had to lay with my neck all bent over) that I felt uncomfortable. And the guy who did it is supercute. I'll go back to Borneo just to get another one done by him, haha =D
my loves

snuggled up <3

Playing in their dirtbox

eating their morning oatmeal

Slurp slurp!

X would make a terrific exhibition rat. She would win big time!
another productive day!
I've decided to give this blog another shot. It is fun to look back and read it, so it's gonna be my new diary.
Today has been a terrific day! I got up at 5 am, boiiinga up and out of bed, ready to face the day! The sun was shining and the birds singing and I felt happy!
For some reason I haven't been able to sleep in ever since I got back home to Sweden. I go to bed at like midnight or after, but I still wake up at 6, 7 am, or 8 am at the latest.
I think I'm still so so excited to be back that I just can't find peace to sleep. I just wanna be up and awake, do things around the house, snuggle my rats and do art and crafts. I love being back home, the weather is gorgeous and I just feel like every day is a blessing. It's a damn good feeling! Makes me feel alive and energized and once again ready to solve the problems in the world!
Borneo made me feel helpless, I felt like there is no way the orangutans are gonna survive. The damn palmoil has taken over way to much. Jungle that used to be plenty is now just scattered around the island of Borneo in tiny pieces. It's so sad.
And I felt so helpless about it while I was there, I almost gave a crap about looking at the food I bought when I came back to Australia. Usually I look at the ingredient list and if it says palmoil, or vegetable oil, I won't buy it. But after seeing the situation in Borneo, I just felt like giving up, like there is no use to care. Cause if no one else seems to care, why should I?
Stupid thoughts out, freaking awesome thoughts in!
I'm back on track, energized to the maximum! =D
I've emailed different bakery companies asking them what kind of oil they use. Usually when it says vegetable oil, it's palmoil, or a mix of oils with palmoil in it. And yes, of all the bread we have at home, only one (out of 4 different kinds) has no palmoil. That's not good. Not good enough for me anyways. So today I baked my own bread. This I'm gonna do every now and then so I can have homemade bread everyday. To bad our freezer is so tiny, otherwise I could have a bakeday and freeze loads of bread. But oh well, I'm just gonna plan ahead and bake whenever I need to. Yey! Homemade bread is the best. So so yummy!

I took my beloved bike and headed of to the grocery store this morning. Bought tons of fruit, beans and other stuff. Yum yum. I'm gonna make myself a smoothie in a little bit. Aha aha =D

Baking da bread!

All done!! And let me tell you, it's superyummy! Success! SkinnyBitch 1- Palmoil 0
So, for you my fellow beings. Please think of what you are buying when out there in the grocery aisle. Diss the palmoil, stand up for the orangutans! Be a voice fot the voiceless. You can make a difference.
See ya all later!
leaving australia
i look like a muscle woman. but it's not that hot, thank god. we'll see what the airport people says. maybe they'll think i'm trying to hide drugs underneath all these layers =P
oh well, i've gotta eat some breakfast. we're leaving for the airport in an hour.
i'll see you all back home tomorrow!! <3<3<3
back in australia!
sorry i'm such a bad bloger. i'll probably put this blog to it's grave when i come back home to sweden, i just never find time or energy or write here. but for now i'll update you on the latest!! =)
i'm back in australia. and i looove it. tanya and sebastian are here and i'm so glad for that. tanya was on a course in melbourne i think... but she decided to come back and that was good, cause then i got to see her and say bye in person =) she has been so lovely to me while i've been staying here!
i'll miss her and seb, and australia over all. such a beautiful country.
i had my nose pierced today. and i got another tattoo right before i left borneo. i thought i should mention that so mommy doesn't freak out on friday.... the tat is an anchor, underneath my ear. so you can see it pretty well. i don't know if that's good or bad, but i like it =D so now you know, don't freak out on me!
i'll be home on friday around 16 ish. do i have to tell you i'm superexcited about that??? i'm sooo glad i'll finally be back home and get to snuggle my rats. it's gonna be sooo good. =D
ok, i've gotta eat now and pack my things up. not a very exciting night. i do think the guy in the store thinks otherwise. i went there today and bought 4 packs of condoms. they're cheap here!! and have all kinds of fun colours and flavors. so i got a bunch. the guy in the counter must have been like: woah, she's gonna score tonight!
oh well. i'll see you soon back home. i can't wait <3 take care!!
new tats!!
the end again, and now it really is
i'm really really excited to go back home! i can't believe i've been gone from my rats and family for 2 months. it's been good times traveling but maan, i'm so longing home. i have tons of fun projects for the summer and i just can't wait to hold my rats in my hands again. my absolute favourite little darlings in the whole world! =)
oh well, i'm gonna go now. i'll talk to you later <3
a little daytrip and ABC
allright folks!!
i'm on it today and i'll give you a taste of kota kinabalu! here comes pics from today! enjoy =D

here is what they call ABC. it's a dessert. what it is, it's basically ice, sugar flavoured ice mixed with black beans, corn, some kind of jellycubes and some green jelly things. we saw some people eat it when we were at this restaurant and we decided to order one for ourselves, cause it looked so random. the taste is really good though! although ice cream dessert with beans and corn might come off a little weird. last time we went to the restaurant steve and i shared one again. yum yum!

here is from today. me and this german guy named sandro (he might spell it with a z, i'm not sure) went to a beach, what was the name of the town... i think it was papar. it took us like 30 min to get there by bus. i fell asleep. soo tired. sandro was like, "you missed all this cool stuff! the mangrove forest, the contrasts between the rich and the poor!"
he's funny. he has been planing for borneo for the last year and a half. so now he's all excited to be here and experience it. he also thought i looked funny when i slept. my mouth all wide opened. haha! you gotta give a piece of yourself sometimes, make people laugh =D

the beach was nice. some local people there. they all look at us and wave. so nice. one was like: can i have a pic of you?
that has happened quite a few times. that people wanna have pics of us, just like that. =) local people here are very friendly. they say hi and they're very helpful. although not all of them speak good english, they do their best to help you out.

we wanted to cross this little lake or whatever it was. but i can't get my feet wet in dirty water cause of my new tats. so we just had to look at the forest on the other side, and wonder what was in it. lots of birds that's for sure. making noise.

a little fishing village, or so we thought it might be. there was no one there and it didn't look like actual houses. more like fishing sheds.

i found a cat friend there. cats are everywhere, and so are dogs. they're pretty much all skinny, unless they're pregnant. which is the case way to often. you see them make babies everywhere... someone needs to start a clinic here and spay them. there are way to many of them poor animals...
this cat was supersnuggly. it came up to me and wanted to be pet. and then it layed down next to me and snuggled. so cute! i gave me energy too, great energy. i think i was really low on animal love energy. i feel so much happier today after this little snuggle =)

little fishing shed

a mosque. they're a little everywhere. sometimes you hear a man pray in there. they have speakers on the outside so the whole town can hear the prayers. a little scary i think. but i guess i'm just not used to this culture

kota kinabalu. on our way back to our hostel

more kk
the end
team party is splitting up today. caitriona is going to sandakan, and i might be going off tomorrow or the day after to some other town. it's sad actually. i've really enjoyed hers and steves company!
we have had the most fun roadtrip together, which i have to tell you more about later. the week has passed really fast and it has been awesome.
here i was feeling all lonely and almost went back to aussie land and then these guys show up and they're awesome! good times =D
yesterday we went out and had dinner with ann and angie, two other backpackers at the hostel. it was really nice. we had a drink afterwards and then when ann and angie went back to the hostel the three of us went to this club and hung out some more. we even ended up doing some kind of weird interview with this tv show or whatever it was. they're asking us: how do you like sabah? where are you from? is this club better than thje clubs at home? and yada yada
and at the end we had to do this little triangle with our fingers and look all happy. it was really ridicilous, but fun =P
i had my hair done yesterday too. let me tell you, it was sooooo good. my hair has been so frissy and bad, so i just felt like i have to treat myself and do something about it. i got it colored black again, washed, and was way longer than i thought! she had to bend down to get the ends straightened. it's almost reaching my buttcrack. awesome!
it looks so good still and i'm all excited about it. it smells really good too. i can't to the jungle life. i always thought i would love living like in the jungle all primitive, but no. i'm no jungle woman after all.
ok i gotta go. i'll write some more in a bit!
back in kota kinabalu!!
it's been a while. i've been on a roadtrip with steve and caitroina, it's been really awesome!
comment, awesome! hell yeah, we were rockin the paddles in catalina! or maybe it was the other way around =P
and mikas comment, yeah rafting is haard. we went on level three. which includes pretty big rapids. although, i think we could have made this one rapid that capzied us if our boat hadn't been broken in the bottom. after we got up in the boat again it got totally flooded and we had to split up our team and join the other boats.
paddle or die
i don't have much time to write now so i'll be short. rafting was crazy. i can say is was the first and last time i did that. haha =P
i just hate being underwater and of course our raft tiped over. i ended up underneath it. and after that, i was pretty much done with it. i wanted to get off. really bad. when the guide was like: you guys ok?
i was like: um, i pretty much just wanna get off. i think i'm having like a panic attack. can i just get off and walk back?
everyone was like: awww. just take it easy, and whatnot you know. and they laughed. haha. man, i felt a little bit like a sissy. but at the same time i didn't care, i was dying to get off that freakin raft.
i don't think i've ever felt so scared before. seriously.
ah weel, i'm alive and well. in TWO WEEKS i'll be home!! snuggle snuggle my darling rats!! ohhh it's gonna be good!
allright, talk to you later <3