To all of you a happy Midsummer! I haven't celebrated this holiday for yeeears, so this year my sister, mom and I decided it is high time we celebrate the traditional way. Here is a little info on the Swedish midsummer celebrations (taken from wikipedia)

The celebration of Midsummer's Eve was from ancient times linked to the summer solstice. People believed that mid-summer plants had miraculous healing powers and they therefore picked them on this night. Bonfires were lit to protect against evil spirits which were believed to roam freely when the sun was turning southwards again. In later years, witches were also thought to be on their way to meetings with other evil powers.

In modern Sweden, Midsummer's Eve and Midsummer's Day (Midsommarafton and Midsommardagen) were formerly celebrated on June 23th and 24th, but since the 1950's on the Friday between June 19th and June 25th and the following Saturday. It is arguably the most important holiday of the year, and one of the most uniquely Swedish in the way it is celebrated, even if it has been influenced by other countries long ago.

The main celebrations take place on the Friday, and the traditional events include raising and dancing around a huge
maypole. One typical dance is the frog dance. Before the maypole is raised, greens and flowers are collected and used to cover the entire pole.

Raising and dancing around a maypole is an activity that attracts families and many others. People dancing around the pole listen to traditional music and many wear traditional folk costumes. The year's first potatoes, pickle herring, sour cream, and possibly the first strawberries of the season are on the menu. Drinking songs are also important at this feast, and many drink heavily.

Because Midsummer was thought to be one of the times of the year when magic was strongest, it was considered a good night to perform rituals to look into the future. Traditionally, young people pick bouquets of seven or nine different flowers and put them under their pillow in the hope of dreaming about their future spouse. In the past it was believed that herbs picked at Midsummer were highly potent, and water from springs could bring good health. Greenery placed over houses and barns were supposed to bring good fortune and health to people and livestock; this old tradition of decorating with greens continues, even though most don't take it seriously.

To decorate with greens was called att maja (to may) and may be the origin of the word majstång, maja coming originally from the month May. Other researchers say the term came from German merchants who raised the maypole in June because the Swedish climate made it impossible to find the necessary greens and flowers in May, and continued to call it a maypole. Today, however, it is most commonly called a midsommarstång.

In earlier times, small spires wrapped in greens were erected; this probably predates the maypole tradition, which is believed by many to have come from the continent in the Middle Ages.
Others argue that some form of Midsummer pole occurred in Sweden during the pre-Christian times, and was a phallic fertility symbol, meant to impregnate the earth, but as there were no records from those times it cannot be proven, and this idea might just be a modern interpretation of the poles form. The earliest historical mention of the maypole in Sweden is from the Middle Ages.

Midsummer was, however, linked to an ancient fertility festival which was adapted into
St. John's Day by the church, even though it retained many pagan traditions, as the Swedes were slow to give up the old heathen customs. The connection to fertility is naturally linked to the time of year. Many young people became passionate at Midsummer, and this was accepted, probably because it resulted in more childbirths in March which was a good time for children to be born.


june so far

Wow, half of june has passed already. Time goes fast when you party!
It's a gorgeous sunny day today. We have had several days of non-stop rain, but today the sun finally came up, to stay for at least a couple days I hope. 
I babysat Bruno the puppy this morning. We sat outside a lot, Bruno chewing on snails and other stuff he found in the garden, and me reading a book and just enjoying the weather.

then we got tired, and took a nap on the floor

how cute is this? :)

After leaving Bruno, I ran a couple errands, and then I made sushi when I came back home. Success! It's soooo good. Mumma!
I have been a supersucky bloger, so I will upload some pics from june now and tell you what I've been up too.


i've baked a vegan spongecake... i think it's called a spongecake anyways. it's superyummy!

i've also baked bread. so tasty! i added boiled red lentils to the dough, and it turned out better than ever. bite me palmoil bread, you'll never taste this good! HA!

i fed the little hedgehoge some babyfood. he liked it :)

the first days of june were sunny and beautiful

other days have been less sunny. very rainy to be correct. but there is no bad weather, just bad clothing! as the swedish saying goes. i don't mind the rain, i just put a raincoat on. and then i'm off on my bike to new adventures! 

my rats are still the cutest animals on earth. i do think i'm feeding them too much, pussel is getting pretty chubby...

we have had taco nights

i've been on the rockboat with three other animalrights people. it was supernice!

and i've snuggled my babies A LOOOOT

well, that's june for me. half of june. we'll see what the other half has to offer! :)
time to clean the bathroom now, then i'm gonna enjoy the sun again.
cheers! <3


a quicky

i never have time to sit down and blog, god damnit. but i'll not give up! so here you go, a quick hello from me before i head of to work!

this monday i babysat this little 8 month old girl. i don't wanna show her face on the internet, so this is all you get to see. she's supercute though :)

there are hares everywhere! this other day they had a meeting in the park, four of them alltogether

mom and i had cosynight the other night. i had icecream and she berries with white chocolate. or was is white chocolate with berries?

there is me. i rock

last... saturday? yeah it was. after being out clubing, i snuggled up with X

More not tested on animal stuff

For the upcoming CityFestival I have emailed around 20 companies asking them to sponsor me with products for my lottery. These companies doesn't test on animals and most of them are organic as well. Good stuff anyhow!
And 9 companies said they're happy to participate, awesome huh!?
I thought for sure, like 1 company was gonna say yes.
But no, 9 of them did. These companies are owned by such adorable women. It's been a pleasure talking to them over the email, all of them are supernice and entusiastic. :)

Today I got a box from one if them. I get so excited when I get that paper in the mailbox that I have a box waiting for me at the postoffice. Yey! So I jumped on my bike and got it.

Babyproducts, creams, deodorant, and a little bag for me as well! :) I got a mascara and a face cream. I love that, when people find it in their hearts to give and do a nice gesture to a fellow human being. I would love to see more of that.

This is what's gonna happen. On June 25 through 27th, Västerås will have it's annual CityFestival downtown. This year my animal rights group is having a table there to hand out information about animal rights. I thought, to attract more people we need something fun. So why not have a lottery where people can win products that are not tested on animals? It's brilliant :) We'll get some money in for the animals, and we'll get the message out there; that there are tons of great products, and that animal testing is unneccessary.

someone elses trash, my treasure!

I love 2nd hand shoping. I can't go into a regular clothing store anymore, it's so boring. First of all, it's too expensive. I don't wanna spend more than 40 kronor for a shirt. If something is like 299 kronor, then, no I won't buy it. I rather spend that money on something fun :) Like charity or a new tat or something.
I guess I got so used to 2nd hand that I just can't find inspiration to shop anywhere else. 2nd hand has everything. No particular style or fashion, just everything you can imagine.
My mom and I go every saturday to our favorite 2nd hand stores, and we always find cool stuff.
This last saturday I said I needed to find clothes for the Medieval week on Gotland in august. I know it's 2 months to go but I figured, I rather start looking now than to be all stressed about it later on. And did we score... maaan. Big time! The perfect dress, jewellery, belt. It was like it was just waiting for us to find it. We bought the perfect stuff for my Medieval costume. And the cost, 100 kronor for everything. Nothing! Perfect!!

I mean, check it out! We're just gonna fix the dress a little and give it some more shape, cause now it's kinda big. And the belt is gonna get some makeover too, take the straps off and such. And I'm also gonna buy a brown longsleeve, tie shirt for it, cause I hate wearing short sleeve. It's gonna be perfect! It fits perfectly, and look at the golden necklace, soo cool.

1st of june

I enjoy every second of every day and wow, do they go by fast. Can't believe it's june 1st today already. Crazy. But awesome! The weather has been amazing today, sunny and hot. Mom and I took a nap outside on a blanket, like back in the days. It was cozy :) I have been doing lots of stuff today, it's been a very productive day. Cleaned the house and my room especially. Did the laundry, made some more hummus. Yum :D Made a couple phonecalls that has been waiting to be made. I'm still energized so I'm gonna spend the evening and probably night doing some fun crafts or something.

Summer is here! (this pic isn't from today though)

This week is gonna be a kickstart of the summer! Tomorrow I'm meeting with Gunnel to prepare for the CityFestival later in june. I have tons of ideas for the festival :) I'll blog more about that later.
On thursday I leave for the Rockboat, a one day cruise with rock bands performing. I'll be going with "Animal Rights Sweden" to hand out information. It'll be tons of fun I'm sure!
And on saturday it's Swedens national holiday. Me and my sister are gonna celebrate BIG time! After traveling like we both have done, we've realized how great Sweden really is. Nothing is like home you know :)
So we're gonna start of with a bbq here at home with my moms relatives. We do every summer and this summer is no exception! There is no better way to kickstart the summer then a bbq!
And after that we'll be going to a gayclub with some of her friends. I love gayclubs, so I'm really excited. I'm not to crazy about Västerås nightlife, so I hope that this club is gonna kick ass! We're gonna have Swedens flags painted on our faces and party through the night. It'll be good times!

See how lovely and sunny it is outside my window!

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