another day in kota kinabalu!

hey all!
i haven't been able to update lately. the blogg site has been refusing to let me log in and also, i have been busy exploring the city of kota kinabalu with steve from canada and caitrina from ireland.. i'm not really sure how to spell her name. they're both supernice and awesome to hang out with!
yesterday we spent the day at sapi island and manukan island i think it name was. first we spent 3 hours or so on sapi. i had read another blog about sapi, and this guy was like: yeah i saw monitorlizards there.
i thought it was rare, and that he was lucky seeing them. but no. they were everywhere!! MAn was i excited! i was all like: omg omg, they're sooo cool!
i'm gonna upload some pics in a minute and show you them. i mean... wow! those lizards. i just wanna have like 5 of them.
i was thinking, they would be the perfect boyfriend. not only do they look totally badass, but imagine having that long tongue tickle you in the neck, and those long claws scratch your back. mmm. i can see myself snuggled up in the sofa with my lizard boyfriend. haha! no just kiddin. i did fell in love with them, but not in that kinda way =P
so yeah, sapi island rocked. we went swimming in the warm water. the water was around 28 C, very nice! the beach much have been around like 100 C, it was soooo hot. i stayed in the shade with the lizards while steve and caitrina got tanned up.
i also took a walk on some of the trails in the forest. saw a little lizards, another monitor, a tiny snake, butterflies, ants. i got bitten by something that burnt to, i don't know what it was. but i'm alive and well, so it was probably not harmful anyways.
manukan island was more of an  relax island. we swam a little and took it easy in the sun. really nice. i had an icecream. magnum classic. holy crap, was that good! icecream in the sun, brought me back to swedish summers. i'm so excited to come back  home to spring and summer. =) sit out on the grass and eat icecream. lovely!
i rented a snorkel too, cause i'm really into snorkling at the moment, ever since i learned how to use the actual snorkel =P but this one wasn't good. i felt like i couldn't get enough air and water kept coming into the snorkel. i gave up after like 2 seconds. and got grumpy. that's my thing, i hate it when i'm all excited and then things don't work. so i just swam and fed the fishes with my leftover waffles.
there were toooons of little fish around me. and if i put my hand out in the water they would come and nibble on me. it was so cute! thicklish but so cute.
at night we had dinner and walked around the city some more. we found markets and restaurants, i bought two bags at the market. really cheap! so that was good. today i;m going to do a little bit more shopping. but just a little =) 
steve got all excited over the restaurants were you can pick out whatever fish, crab or lobster you wanna have cooked. they had tons of tanks full of animals. i was probably not as excited. haha =P he's going back there to eat i think. they had giant lobsters, and it was not that expensive.

ok, i'm gonna go take a shower now and let someone else have the computer for a while. then i'll upload some pics!


sounds sooo fun and so relaxing! Man, I need a getaway like that! LIZARD BOYFRIEND- HAHAHAA i was cracking up when I was reading that! That is SO like you to say something like that! hahahaha (i bet you weren't kidding also - lol) :)

2009-04-29 @ 06:20:20

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